The Alumni Experience
Thriving after your PALI program
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Alumni community.
We continue leadership development and community building after your program is over through online (WhatsApp, LinkedIn, email) channels and offline events such as reunions and conferences.
Continuous education.
Your executive education doesn’t stop when you graduate. Your best continuous learning will come from your fellow executives as you proceed through your respective careers.
Giving back.
Community engagement and service is one of the best avenues to continue leadership development. PALI will provide you with resources and opportunities to join or volunteer with world-changing community organizations.
November 2024 Cohort
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June 2024 Cohort
May 2024 Cohort
April 2024 Cohort
March 2024 Cohort
Christian 2024 Cohort
February 2024 Cohort
October 2022 Cohort
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April 2022 Cohort
February 2022 Cohort
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April 2021 Cohort
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46 National Flags of PALI Faculty, Executive Students and Alumni
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“Political Leadership Professional Course is another winner for PALI. It highlights in my view, the importance of Servant Leadership as a key tool for the emancipation of our societies. A quote from Cori Lotspeich’s presentation that will stick with me for a long time is “People follow your footprints and not your words.”
“My experience has been nothing short of amazing. Pan-African leadership institute is a cut above the rest and making mighty strides in building executive leaders.”
“Notwithstanding the fact that I studied Public Administration and as a result have some insights on politics, the Political Leadership course at PALI was wonderful, especially the discussion on Financing Political Campaigns. It offered interesting insights and approaches.”
“It was a rare opportunity extended me by the Pan-African Leadership institute to be awarded a scholarship to be part of the Political Leadership Class. This experience has revolutionized me, giving me a new and better appreciation of political leadership. Over the weeks that I was privileged to sit under the tutelage of some of the great minds of their respective fields, I can boldly say that I’m a better leader now than I was before I attended the first class session, and I’m so thankful for this great opportunity.”
“I am happy that I did the Youth Leadership Course. The content and the presenters were very good. I will use the information to improve my leadership.”
“The Pan-African Leadership Institute’s course on Corporate Leadership has transformed me from being just a Manager to an effective leader who is getting solid results from my team. I can see clearly that the team I lead at work has been infected by my new knowledge and skill, and the positive change is very clear. I sincerely thank the entire PALI team for the good work, and also encourage my fellow executive students to put all that we have learned to good use!”
“The classes were well organized and implemented through a friendly platform by the honestly devoted and humble professional facilitators. In fact, my learning experience in the Political Leadership Professional Course remained above what I had expected from it. It was incomparable with what I have accomplished anywhere else before. The content was truly participative, relevant, carefully structured and delivered through comprehensive discussions. I am delighted to have had such an educative and lovely experience at PALI. Indeed, I feel like I connected with a truly online family who are dedicated and care about my development than face to face lessons.”
“I am glad I took the Philanthropic Leadership Professional Course with PALI. It was so informative and insightful. In addition, learning from experienced philanthropic instructors during the course was inspiring and motivating. The course added value to my philanthropic work, and I am excited and ready to use the knowledge and tips learned to improve my organization and take it to another level.”
“The Youth Leadership Professional course had an excellent teaching and organization. The leadership skills acquired during the course will be of great value to my personal and professional life. I will pass on the contents learned to the young people in social vulnerability at the Institution Associação Pró Social Reintegração da Criança, where I work.”
“Pan-African Leadership Institute (PALI) is my Institute of choice for leadership training and I recommend PALI to everyone that needs leadership development.”
“The best decision I made this year is joining the PALI course. The wealth of resource persons and materials relevant to African political development experienced during this course cannot be fully estimated.”
“It brought people from various countries together which is an exciting network. It exposed me to understand the intricacies involved in leading at any level.”
“I gained a lot from the group project work. I was in group four and our corporate leadership case study was ‘burned by the firewall’. Apart from gaining knowledge from working in a team, I also benefitted from working with people from different countries. The Wisdom Workshop was also very good. The information shared was useful since it related to my current position as a leader working with people from different cultural contexts. I have gained the attitude of being a better listener and accepting other people’s views and working with them effectively.”
“I really enjoyed the presentation on cross-cultural leadership from a Japanese perspective, it has really enlightened me on how to analyse issues from a different perceptive. I now have the knowledge on how to influence people from different backgrounds to work together for a common goal. We may have different views but we must strive to achieve our set goals to help with the organisational growth.”
“Having learnt the skills of self-confidence through this course, even when I do not feel a hundred percent confident inwardly, I still make sure to project confidence. As a result, I received positive feedback which in turn helped boost my confidence. Now, I look forward to my presentations which were previously a thorn in my flesh. The knowledge from the class has also improved my public speaking skills, which has shaped my mindset and has helped me adopt a positive work attitude.”
“This executive course has indeed improved my cross-cultural leadership skills within a short period of time. I learnt that self-confidence is basically influenced by a composition of knowing self and others in each given cultural setting. At the beginning of this month, I was awarded a contract to serve as the master of ceremonies for a client’s wedding. In organizing the event, I was introduced to an English woman who was the event planner and in that setting I had to quickly apply the cross-cultural skills I had learnt to communicate effectively with her notwithstanding our different cultural backgrounds.”
“Dynamites they say come in small packages” and that is how I describe the Leading Through Crisis course. It was like a dynamite, full of knowledge and ideas for a leader who wants to be well-rounded. I have indeed experienced a paradigm shift in the way I handle my team members and as well as myself during times of crisis.”
“The leadership training skills have empowered my previous leadership skills and experience. The course was an interactive one, facilitators and student relationship was very excellent. It motivated, encouraged and gave me more knowledge about a leader.”
“It was great connecting and learning with students from different part of the world. The interaction between students and instructors was great. The course was easily digestible. The reading materials were very useful and were easily accessible 5. The course in itself challenged me to rethink my leadership skills and implement new skills. Another great strength of the course for me was the ability to network.”

Just think of the work you've set yourself to do, and do it as well as you can.
Chinua Achebe