Our Leadership Philosophy
Our concept of leadership is expressed in the ancient African word ubuntu. Ubuntu originates from an African worldview that is literally translated as “I am because you are.” Generally speaking, ubuntu means “humanity towards others”. A true leader is one who leads with the mindset of ubuntu, seeing authentic service to humanity as the primary object of leadership.
Our symbol for leadership is the Siamese-crocodile. The Siamese-crocodile is an Adinkra symbol which are symbols from Ghana that represent concepts, aphorisms, maxims or proverbs.
The symbol shows two conjoined crocodiles who have two heads, two tails, four eyes, eight legs, and eight feet, yet they share one abdomen. The Siamese-crocodiles have to work together in order to survive.
The symbol depicts the African wisdom in the need for humanity to cooperate in order to survive. It is a reminder to leaders from different cultures and religions about the need and beauty present in diversity, interconnectedness, focus on service to each other, and developing love for other people with whom we share the global community.
Underlying the leadership development programs at the Pan-African Leadership Institute is the need to develop holistic, entrepreneurial, and conscientious leaders who have the mindset of ubuntu as well as the wisdom found in the worldview of Siamese-crocodiles.

“Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly. I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.”
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jnr.