Other Official Title (if any) e.g.: Chief, HRH, Captain, Air Vice Marshall, Princess, etc.
Full Name (as should appear on your Leadership Certificate after the course)
First Name
Last Name
Primary Email
Occupation / Profession
Job Title
City of Residence
Country of Residence
Language Requirements
You must be proficient in the English language.
Yes, I confirm I am a leader who is proficient in English
Fee Requirements
You must confirm you understand these are fee paying courses.
Yes, I understand that this is a fee paying course and I will honour my fee obligations.
Which modules are you interested in?
You can select more than one.
March: Religious Leadership Professional Course | 2 Saturdays | $390
April: Professional Women's Leadership Course | 4 Saturdays | $490
May: Non-Profit (Philanthropic) Leadership Professional Course | 3 Saturdays | $490
June: Entrepreneurial Leadership Professional Course | 4 Saturdays | $490
June: Media and Creative Arts Leadership Professional Course | 3 Sundays | $490
July: Diplomatic Leadership Professional Course | 3 Saturdays | $490
July: Family Leadership Professional Course | 2 Sundays | $390
August: Political Leadership Professional Course | 4 Saturdays | $490
September: Educational Leadership Professional Course | 3 Saturdays | $490
Oct/Nov: The Personal MBA | 9 Saturdays | $790
November: Gateway to Africa Leadership Course | 4 Sundays | $490
Jan 2026: Leadership Immersion Program (Trinidad & Tobago) 7-Days Immersion, Conference & Graduation | 18 - 25 Jan | $1,290
Jan 2026: PALI Global Conference in Trinidad & Tobago | 23 Jan | $200
Leadership experiences - Q1
Please write one short paragraph for each question.
1. In what areas do you lead both professionally and socially?
Leadership experiences - Q2
2. Why do you want to grow your leadership capacity?
Leadership experiences - Q3
3. How many people do you or have you led?
Leadership experiences - Q4
4. In what areas do you want to develop your leadership skills?
Highest Educational Level
Select one
Secondary School
PhD (a copy of your certificate should be emailed to PALI)
Number of Years of Work Experience
What are your expectations from this course/module?
If "Other" or "Word of Mouth", please tell us where you heard about us or who you heard it from.
Preferred means of correspondence
Please select your best two means of communication.
Highest Ethical Standards for Leaders
I understand that by enrolling at PALI, I am now part of a global community of leaders with the highest ethical standards; driven by love, integrity, respect, excellence and service. I am among the most respected leaders in the world.
Networking with senior leaders around the world
I understand that effective leadership thrives on one's network (your network is your net worth) and I am open to networking, relationship building, and learning from other global leaders.
I am open to being invited to join the Graduation ceremony (virtually or in-person) to mark the formal successful completion of my course/program.
Referee’s Title
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Phone number
Referee’s Occupation
Referee’s Job title