Vision, Mission and Values
To see an Africa and a world led by holistic, entrepreneurial, and conscientious leaders in all sectors of society; leaders who truly serve, develop and maximize the potential of their people and resources for a peaceful, prosperous and progressive world.
The Pan-African Leadership Institute is on a mission to develop holistic, conscientious, and entrepreneurial leaders for Africa. We are an executive education institute providing professional courses and leadership programs through online and blended channels.
We believe that African people, both on the continent and in the diaspora, share a common heritage and therefore need to unite to create stronger economies, combat poverty, and build institutions that develop and maximize our potential. Africa must look inward to find African solutions to African problems. We know that Africa’s future is bright, regardless of the formidable setbacks and challenges the continent faces.
The 21st century leader leads in a fast-changing world. He/she must think outside the box, think as if there was no box, be adaptable, creative, develop and implement new ideas with the aim of improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the people and systems he/she leads.
Cultural intelligence
In our global village today, cultural intelligence is an indispensable skillset for effective and innovative leadership. Cultural intelligence allows a leader to relate and work successfully in a multi-cultural (multi-ethnic) environment.
Excellence is a positive attitude that drives the effectiveness of an outstanding leader. Excellence is striving to put quality into everything a leader does. The greatest of leaders strive for excellence in character, people skills, strategy and execution.
People skills
Leading experts say that “people skills account for over 80% of your success” as a leader. Even if you have the hard core skills (technical skills acquired through training) necessary to perform your role, other people might not be comfortable working with someone lacking in people skills and this will derail your progress. A forward-looking leader learns to acquire skills that make them likable and effective with people. The vision of the institute is to develop holistic, conscientious, entrepreneurial leaders for a global Pan-African society.

“Education is, quite simply, peace-building by another name. It is the most effective form of defense spending there is.”.
Kofi Annan